Saturday 7 February 2009

Editorial: How Free is Your Media?

Reading List has caused a bit of a stir!

Whether or not the breaking of an embargoed document by sections of the media is a major story, it nonetheless does expose their double dealings and explain why members of the public may be getting a raw deal.

If elected councillors are being hindered in their ability to hold the ruling party group and the bureaucracy to account, then how can they ensure that events such as those that ultimately resulted in the death of Child T don't happen again?

The relationship between the provincial press, local authorities and local politicians needs to face up to closer scrutiny and procedures must be followed with more rigour. Freedom of the press means not only freedom to report, but also respect for guidelines and embargoes.

RBC's new Chief Executive, Michael Coughlin, has started with a clean slate but it is now time for him to clamp down on unhealthy and self-interested behaviour - in everyone's best interest!


This post provides some good background, particularly Cllr Swaine's contribution.


For full coverage of the events which have rocked Reading since the death of Child T, go to the Special Report on Children's Services in Reading (see sidebar).

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